U.S. farmers are being called upon to put more acerage into production

     Farmers are being asked to plant Millions of acres here in the US to prop up dwindling supplies of corn and soybeans worldwide.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture is expecting 15-year lows for corn and 40-year lows for soybean, current pricing for these commodities are $6.40 a bushel and $14 a bushel respectively.

    Bad weather in the form of both drought and floods have had a severe effect on some of the worlds food production, add in an ever rising population and you have a recipe for disaster, riots and instability. Here in the US we have seen food prices rise dramatically and package size shrink so we are not immune to this problem, I foresee a rise of  backyard gardens this year by some families to start to offset rising food prices.

Below are some additional articles that I have come across in this area.



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