Judge Rules Cops CANNOT Make You Stop Filming Them - BlackListed News

Judge Rules Cops CANNOT Make You Stop Filming Them - BlackListed News

Yeah we will see how long this last's, you may be temporarily allowed to film them but I bet they sure will try and intimidate them.



chinasyndrome said...

Scott,I hope that sticks! Total BS don't film us beating the crap out of someone! I saw the video where they kicked and punched that black dude who I think was burglarizing house or something. Now I don't like burglars and would shoot the minute he came in!BUT they had the dude subdued,then beat him some more,handcuffed then kicked and punched some more. I understand law enforcement is a tuff job.Many cops are good guys but just like the rest of the world they have some real nut cases who should not be in the jobs they are in!


Scott R said...

China I hope it sticks as well, if they can have their dashboard cameras then we should have our cameras, we should also be using the same analogy on them as well " If you have nothing to hide..."

THX for stopping bye.


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