I am standing on the lower roof here, what is left to do on the loft roof is the trim and the ridge vent, that will go right above the center white strip that you see, that will be cut out and a screen installed to keep the critters out.
On the loft roof here and you can see whats next to do, the other roof has to wait a little until we get the walkways up and the walkway roof as it ties into the lower roof, we are hoping to get into that part this next week.
In other news we ordered about 45 bags of insulation to do the walls and ceilings along with about 16oo square feet of 6 inch tongue and groove knotty pine for the ceilings, I can't wait for this as I have been wanting to get that installed for a long time and it will really stand out in the pictures.
As always please do no hesitate if there are any questions, thoughts or what the heck's and you can always check out the update page for previous posts on the build here.

build a windmill power generator. and you will not get any more wind lol
Hey Roy we already have a 600 watt wind turbine here on site and we will be putting it up here in the next few weeks, it will provide some of the emergency power as well as the hot water and radiant floor heating. Good thought Roy and thanks for stopping by.
Scott,I know you gotta be real excited to see that pine go up inside!Wow sure came along way!
Wow, it looks beautiful! Very nice!
China, you have no idea how bad I want to start that T&G, and doors and windows, oh man the list goes on and on. Appreciate you making it by.
Hi Sweepyjean yes it is finally starting to look like something but darn is there still a lot to do. Thank you for the kind words and for stopping by the site.
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