Free or paid training opportunity

     I would like to pass on a training opportunity to those of you that are out in the rural communities. I was how shall we say "nudged" to join the local VFD (Volunteer fire department) My age had something to do with it as I was considered "young" by the other members, their idea of young was anyone who is under 50. Well needless to say I took to it like a duck to water and then I found out about the training that was available and the best part was that they paid me ( some commitment to the dept was required but well worth it ).

     I took this opportunity to learn fire science, wildland firefighting and best of all medical training. This type of training would cost you big money if you had to pay for it but I traded my time for the training. These are all valuable skills and it is skills that will help most not gear. Another fringe benefit of being a member is that you are privy to some information that the general public is not, VFD's are now technically part of DHS. While on this department I was issued a radio with all county frequencies, this included state and local police. Our department also puts you in contact with your local emergency management director and in some cases you can be part of the training and planning for your local area, this gives you a good insight on how your local community will deal with an incident, the flip side also is you can see how unprepared your community is also.

     One other thing to mention as a benefit are the people that you will meet, they have been some of the best I have ever come to know, some would give you the shirt off their back. Working on a department can and will allow you to make valuable contacts in the community and the friendships will last a lifetime.

1 comment:

kdonat said...

Great suggestion. Always looking for educational opportunities.


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