Corona virus - Why not


The Corona Virus, Is there anything else out there at the moment on the minds of just about everyone in the world that is not living under a rock?

     Well as it is now being labeled a pandemic by the W.H.O. what are you and what can you do about it ? The hot word of the day is "Social Distancing" Nothing new for me I have been doing it for years but we are a social animal and need out interactions, You might want to change that for a while. 

     There is a lot going on in the news today that is actually clearing shelves everywhere in the country of you guessed it.....Toilet paper. It has flown off the shelves and out the door along with a whole host of other supplies that you would associate with hurricane and bad weather events, eggs, milk and bread. The country is in a panic over this and if we look at the stock market you can see the fear gripping that as well as circuit breakers trip and records set for losses in a week but hey gas is getting pretty cheap right ;)

    But seriously if you are reading this then you have seen the writing on the wall for a few weeks and added to your hurricane, bad weather, social unrest, alien takeover and the like. Many people are just this week doing a double take at the news or what a fellow co-worker has said and thought it might be time to put a little extra into the kitchen cabinet.... Good I think you should considering that the average person has under a week of food at home. 

     If you are new here I would like to suggest the following basic supplies that actually do not at all seem out of the ordinary from what you might get over the coarse of a few shopping trips but with supplies dwindling with out just in time shipping it may be wise to put a little extra in the grocery cart.

     We are most happy when we have what we normally have to eat, put aside going out to eat for a while as that puts you in contact with people and let me tell you that even those 5 star restaurants are nasty and dirty trust me, not only that but people are really lax about washing hands, they just are so if you can cut back on the eating out.

     Now your list, buy what you eat its just that simple and the only change I would make is to just add to it but I would put an emphasis on some items that last longer, do not need refrigeration and can be eaten with as little preparation as possible, simple right? 
     My list and it has been shortened down a bit for brevity and generalization. 

  1. Water (Because you can just not have enough)
  2. Bleach (Disinfecting surfaces or worst case used to purify questionable water)
  3. Canned foods ( open can insert spoon, done ) 
  4. Batteries ( More uses that you can list on a chalk board )
  5. Soup making ingredients ( big pot, lots of options and pretty easy ) 
  6. Pastas, rice, beans ( It may get old but it is pretty easy and cheap ) 
  7. Spices ( DO I really need to explain here lol )
  8. Canned meats or regular meats if you are sure you will not lose power 
  9. Paper products, Toilet paper, paper towels and paper plates ( Clean butts and less water usage )
  10. General cleaning supplies (Gotta keep things clean) 
     This is a very basic list that can be manipulated to do what you need to work for you and is in now way complete, It could go into the hundreds of items but honestly nobody would want to read that so keep it simple, basics rule. 

     Keep in mind the 5 basics.

  • Food
  • Water 
  • Shelter 
  • Protection
  • Information
     Everything else is a luxury.



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