Rumor of the day: Bill Richardson to replace Hillary at State?

Rumor of the day: Bill Richardson to replace Hillary at State?

by Allahpundit

This is one of those rumors, I think, that starts hopping simply because it makes sense, not because there’s any hard evidence to support it.
Richardson was just in Pyongyang to sound out North Korea about its nuclear program; he was a leading candidate for SoS back in 2008 before Hillary got the job
Well wouldn't this be a hoot to see happen,  with Obama ticking off his liberal base something like this I would think would scare the hell out of him because there would only be one reason for Hillary to give up the position and that would be for her to make a run in 2012. Honestly I think she would have a pretty good chance too, I think the took the SOS position to firm up here foreign policy experience and make herself still seen on the world stage. While 2012 is still 2 years away I know we will see the contenders come out soon enough. 

My take for who will win the elections will be the person who puts forth the best plan for getting people back to work because when people are fat, dumb and employed they are happy little campers.


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