U.S. VS. China Battle on Trade

I am down 6K in the market, And I DO NOT CARE.

     Unless you have been living under a rock or deep in your bugout hole you might have heard we have a little tiff with China about trade and it will probably get worse, Good.

So down 6K and I say Good, Why. Simply stated we needed this to happen a very long, long time ago, We have been the suckers of the world for the past 100 years and with respect to china the last 30 at least. Now I am by no means an economist, guru, or any other specialist in the field but from where I sit I know and most everyone should know that we have been getting the short stick when it comes to China trade, Until now. China is being challenged by a president who is beholden to no one and has a business background that very few presidents in recent memory have, Like him or hate him we needed this the cycle to break.

Far too many Americans and businesses do not have the intestinal fortitude to rock the boat, they are perfectly happy to accept the status quo of relations, the idea of this,  lets call it what it is a minor pain is what I am completely happy with in order to get a better long term and fair deal so yes I do not care that I am down 6K.

China needs growth to support it's growing working middle class and this does hurt them both directly and indirectly, there is a lot of noise about who really pays for tariffs, in reality we all do the US and China, the workers and the consumers and yes they are big numbers being thrown around, millions and billions. In the end though at the consumer level they are pretty small and well within our means to absorb and lets be honest you might not even notice it, business will go on as usual and you will still buy "Stuff" that you may not really need in the first place, Think about that.

I saw a massive amount of hate at what happened with the tweets on Friday that sent the markets south and all I could think was everyone getting all upset about their temporary loss and their greed not getting fulfilled, Pissing and moaning about money versus doing what is right and it really goes to show where our priorities have gone in this country for some but not all of the country. The markets go up and they go down and it seems that when it goes down everyone gets riled up especially new traders but in reality it is very healthy for some volatility and it always recovers to new highs, if a deal were signed tomorrow the markets would explode and money would be made and all would be forgotten at least till the net time.

Take care all.

CW2 who wins, A video by John Mark

A video here today with well over 1 million views that brings up another aspect related to prepping to think about. In my opinion there is no one single aspect of prepping that you should be planning on but more of a broad approach that is general enough to cover many things versus that one thing that may not happen.

Thoughts on 2019 and beyond.

     Back in the 80's when I was able to first look at the world with a somewhat educated brain cell I could see that the Soviet Union and the United States of America wanted to play a game of catch with ICBM's.  Being a kid of that era where World War 2 and Vietnam were still very fresh in a lot of peoples minds I turned into a sort of history junkie as it relates to conflicts.

     I have come to a conclusion that people like to control other people and force themselves either directly or by proxy and it seems that the end is always the same, we dominate, subjugate and kill ourselves to force a way of life and even an opinion with reckless regard.

     We have a whole host of things to worry about as part of the preparedness community and for me that was initially nuclear warfare and while it still is on my list along with a whole host of other things that I am sure many of you share I usually take the sum of all those potential scenarios and come out with a common denominator of a plan that will work best for all events. I am now working to further tailor that plan to include what I see is a huge disconnect and deepening division of the general populace of this country especially as it relates to politics and what that might entail.

     As a core basic it is my belief that a general plan should include the following basics:

  • Food
  • Shelter
  • Water
  • Protection
  • Communication  
     This combination while very general should cover what you will need in most situations, again this is just a basic outline and it will vary greatly depending on geography, population density, personal capability and so on. 

     Survival is not always about heading for the hills or  rooftop or even getting deep in the bunker, surviving is also about having that situational awareness to know that something is not right and you need to do something in a rapidly executed fashion. If it dos not feel right DO SOMETHING NOW!

     Circling back to the current political climate and division we are seeing a level of non-tolerance to the opposite at levels that I think will spiral even further out of control, it seem that cooperation and even talking to an other side is falling by the wayside and turning to censorship and outright violence at the drop of a comment. With the advent of social media and a I want it now and do not want to work for it we have a specifically educated population segment that goes down a very narrow road that has been proven time and time again to self destruction and this should not happen when as a very technically astute society have in the palm of our very hands the knowledge of the world if we just type www. But we don't, we instead decide that our own moral superiority gives way to the reality and fact that history repeats itself. 

Real men not Gillette soyboys

       As many of you have seen or heard of by now Gillette the razor blade company has decided to go woke and therefore slit their own throats with I hope one of the razors that they will now have plenty of inventory of due to the massive backlash. I will not even post the video that they made over on Youtube but I will post below a response video made by https://www.egardwatches.com/

Please if you are in the market for a new watch give them a look.

Thanks all.


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