Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You

Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You

“Machines will definitely be able to observe us and understand us better,” said Hartmut Neven, a computer scientist and vision expert at Google. “Where that leads is uncertain.”
The article is well worth the read, as usual they stick in all of the good aspects of such a technology to suck you in and they they give you the bad parts in the end, well me being me I tend to look at the bad parts because history keeps showing us how they can and will be abused. Anything for safety or making our lives better is a well played mantra, well I don't feel any safer, hell if anything I feel less safe as technology is a two way street and as far as making our lives better well that is debatable also. One of the biggest problems I have with technology is our over dependence on it and when it fails and it does we all look around with a jaw on the floor and think what do we do now. A good analogy of this is a funny commercial or video I saw where some people were on an escalator and they were half way up when it stops, What do we do now? Yeah it is kinda like that.

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