Ambassador murdered, Who is guilty?

US Ambassador Christopher Stevens has been killed last night September the 11th, Smothered to  death as some reports are stating, He was murdered inside the walls of a US embassy. This statement should speak volumes on how completely incompetent this administration handles it's foreign affairs, the blood of this Ambassador is directly on it's and the state department's hands, of this I have no Doubt.

How in the world could you have an embassy in a hostile country that is still a form or revolution both politically and militarily not brimming to the teeth with security, Marines. How the hell does an Ambassador get killed without there being a bunch of dead marines surrounding him, how the hell are there not hundreds of of dead, fence jumping, murdering protesters littering the grounds of the embassy, I'll tell you why, it's because there were no Marines there, that can be the only answer, How the HELL, WHY the HELL, My only clear answer to this is that they were ordered to not be there, ther is just no other answer to that, clearly they should have been there, the situation dictates they should have been there, the location Dictates they should have been there, being September the 11th means they should have been there, Having been bombed earlier in the year dictates they should have been there, there are any number of reasons for there to have been a strong contingent of Marine security on station to prevent this.  As I said earlier these murdering    

bastards should be stacked up like cord wood outside the embassy walls right now, shot down from the walls they scaled, there should have been no way for this mob to be able to get to an ambassador, NONE. Clearly there must have been no US security present, the word is that Security was provided by local Libyan security personnel, and reports also have been coming in that they informed the protesters/ murderers as to what building the Ambassador was in. I smell a Rat of the highest order, Here in the US if you are a getaway driver of  an armed robbery and someone is killed and even if you were not the one who pulled the trigger you are just as guilty for that murder, well I hold two people guilty for this murder and for the other three people who lost their lives in this embassy attack. DISGUSTING.
Your president Left and your secretary of state below.  Who is really guilty?

And Who ordered the Marines to not be there?

Economy Communications

     Communications, we take them for granted that we will always have them when we want or need them. 

     This can be a true statement a good part of the time especially during normal times of peace and tranquility, unfortunately those good times tend to be interrupted from time to time and there is almost not a thing we can do about it, or is there.

     Many of us in this day and age can not go more than 20 minutes without looking at the piece of electronic equipment in our front pocket, yes our cell phones. These devices have become an inseparably part of out every day carry and we have become almost a slave to them and I know when mine does not work it turns into a minor inconvenience in normal times, now imagine if you really needed it for say an emergency?

I have touched on various forms of communications in previous posts and I believe that many people under rate how important they can be in that emergency situation where normal forms of infrastructural communications are not available. Infrastructural forms of communications fall into the category of your cell phone and your land line, we all know that storms can take out cell towers or power lines that connect the system and make some form of hard line connection at some point, yes even cell phones at some point go all Alexander Graham Bell  on us and turn into either copper of fiber optic lines during there journey to their destination so therefore a failure can happen. Another disruption that we have all experienced at some point in our lives it the "ALL CIRCUITS ARE BUSY AT THIS TIME"

The bottom line here is to have some sort of an emergency backup in place to be able to communicate, knowledge is power to borrow the phrase from Mr.Sir Francis Bacon.

Knowledge of what is going on in an emergency situation is of vital importance, it will allow you to make the best possible decision in an event, it can also in a way give a calming effect because you know what is happening and where, it removes the unknown or doubt, again knowledge is power and it is an advantage that you should take at every opportunity.

The product that I would like to introduce today Is one that I have and use and I am very glad that I have come across it and I will be adding more of them to my inventory here shortly. The above and below product that you see it the BAOFENG UV_5R  2 way radio, this radio is a dual band that covers UHF 400-480MHz VHF 136-174MHz or as some of you might recognize this as part of the HAM radio band as well as the FRS, GMRS and the MURS band, this one radio will cover them all. 

To take full advantage to this radio one should obtain their Ham radio license as they have become far easier to obtain in the past few years especially since they have dropped the code requirement (Morse Code) from the technician class. Tests are of multiple choice and with a small amount of study ( online options ) for free it makes this a very attractive form of communications. I will note that you can still obtain this radio without having a license and use it for a passive scanner which will still give you a wealth of information and the ability  to legally use it ( transmit ) on non ham channels that fall into the above mentioned FRS, GMRS and MURS channels, You can listen in on the ham and emergency weather alert channels but you are again forbidden to legally transmit on these ham channels without your license but in a life or death situation no one will throw you in jail. 

My only wish with this radio is that it were made in the US but like so many other thing it is not but that is for another post both past and future. What attracted me to this radio it the coverage it can provide as well as it's front keyboard that allows you to program it yourself although there is a computer cable you can buy that will allow you to program it through your computer if you wish. The best feature though has to be the cost of the radio, an almost unheard cost of around $50 

I would put this piece of gear into any collection, it is light enough to carry anywhere and versatile enough to cover many of the bands you may need so check it out and give it some consideration, there are many accessories that go along with this radio as well, I rate it a top buy for sure. 


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